The humor in Lysistrata is the focus of this latest adaptation. Playwright Edward Einhorn, known for his comic absurdist plays, translates the ancient Greek humor into something equally amusing to a modern audience, without losing the flavor of the ancient text. Complete with essays, selected music, and a second version of the play for inventive directors, this newest adaptation of Aristophanes’ philosophical comedy focuses on three elements of the human condition that have not changed in nearly 2500 years: war, sex, and, most of all, laughter.
116 pages
ISBN 0-9770197-2-1
“Einhorn has done a thorough job of streamlining the play and making it dramatically coherent...his Lysistrata offers accessible opportunities for various creative approaches... Einhorn's Lysistrata is basically a fun story with a timeless appeal and lots of room for camp.”
— Bryn Mawr Classical Review
“Retaining the bawdy humor of the original, Lysistrata is undeniably a laugh-out-loud comedy of war, sex, and wicked fun. It is an excellent contribution to theater shelves.”
— Midwest Book Review
Full Script of Lysistrata
What is free: Reading the script online. Performing a non-commercial reading for which there is no price of admission. Using a small piece of the translation as part of a theatrical collage, as long as that collage is transformative, in some way, not merely an excerpt of this existing translation. In all such cases, I ask that I receive credit for the translation, and that you include a link to this website.
What I charge for: Rights to this adaptation/translation for performance, other than as noted above. Please bear in mind that I work as a writer, and so royalty income is important to me. Please contact me via my website.